FtM/FtX surgeries

Mammectomy/Mastectomy and torsoplasty

Mastecomy, or mammectomy, is a surgical removal of the breast.

Torsoplasty is the removal of the breast tissues, coupled with a reconstructive surgery aiming at creating a masculine looking torso, with preservation of the nipples and reshaping of the pectoral shape.

Usually, two different incision sites are practiced. The choice typically depends of the size of the breasts.

  • The most common is crease under your breast (inframammary), which leaves a horizontal scar under each breast
  • Around the nipple (periareolar), where the scar can be a bit less visible, since it follows the line of the nipples, but can lead to desensitization of the nipples.


Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. The choice is usually offered to keep the ovaries, in order to preserve hormonal function (which can be particularly important is you are not on testosterone HRT). A hysterectomy where the ovaries (and Fallopian tubes) are removed is sometimes called “radical hysterectomy” (usually, also removal of the upper vagina along with the cervix), “complete” or “total”. Removal of the uterus only is refered to as “partial hysterectomy”, “supracervical”, or “subtotal”. Of course, removal of the uterus means no more periods, but also irreversible sterility.

Many techniques are used, and should be discussed with your practitionner if you envision have an hysterectomy.

Penile reconstruction surgeries: metaidoiplasty, phalloplasty

  • Metaidoiplasly

Informally called a meto or meta, this surgery aims at creating a neophallus with the elongated clitoris. It necessitates the patient to have followed a testosterone treatment for long enough, since testosterone typically enlarges the clitoris to a mean maximum size of 4.6 cm. The surgery uses the dissected urethra to create a neophallus, that is erectile but sometimes not enough for penetrative sex. This surgery is simpler, more affordable and involves less possible complication.

  • Phalloplasty

Phalloplasy is a complex surgery performed in several steps, aiming at creating a fully erectile neophallus - generally closer in size to a bio-penis.

Like metaioplasty, the first step also consists in an elongation of the clitoris. It then involves a self-graff with skin harvested from the arm or butt; as well as a penile implant (saline water pump)in order to create a contralable erectile body.

Usually (as well as with metoidoiplasty) a reconstruction of the scrotum is performed, with prosthesis to create testis.

Sometimes, tattoo comes as a complement after the last surgical step, in order to give a natural appearance to the glans.

Last modified June 21, 2023: Content update and colors changes (f6626ee)